The Overweight Myth: Why Overnutrition Is Better Than Undernutrition Every Single Time!
Why it is better to overnourished due to food availability than undernourished due to food scarcity, every single time

Delinking Fitness and Health from BMI, Weight and Obesity Labels
BMI is a flawed method for measuring obesity, but the obesity label itself is problem since fit but so-called overweight people live longer, healthier lives than unfit but so-called normal weight people

It is Better to Be Fit and Overweight than Normal Weight / Lean and Unfit
Those who are overweight-fit and obese-fit live longer than normal-BMI-unfit.

Is Regular Self-Weighing Necessary or Important?
Regular self-weighing is not really important or necessary, but if you are obsessed about your weight, then once a week is the best.

Logging What You Eat and Drink Instead of Counting Calories
Logging what you eat and drink helps you understand what you are consuming