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The Two Lies and the One Moral Failure of Traditional Medicine in Cancers

That traditional medicine in cancer does not cause harm and that it works are lies. The practitioners have serious moral ethical issues to grapple with.

The Two Lies and the One Moral Failure of Traditional Medicine in Cancers
Members Public

Cancer Prevention in a Shot: Halting Cervical Cancer with the HPV Vaccine

The one cancer that can be prevented with an act of commission is cervical cancer

Cancer Prevention in a Shot: Halting Cervical Cancer with the HPV Vaccine
Members Public

Say No to Vitamin D Testing and Supplementation

Say no to routine Vitamin D testing and supplementation

Say No to Vitamin D Testing and Supplementation
Members Public

Iatrogenesis of Vitamins, Minerals and Herbal Supplements

Vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements that we take or are prescribed are not only useless in most instances, but can cause harm, both financial and bodily

Iatrogenesis of Vitamins, Minerals and Herbal Supplements
Members Public

Polypharmacy: More than 5 Tablets a Day can Often Cause More Harm than Good

Always check the list of drugs you take at least once a year

Polypharmacy: More than 5 Tablets a Day can Often Cause More Harm than Good
Members Public

Popping Antibiotics Like Antacids

You can't just pop antibiotics like antacids or painkillers whenever you feel under the weather

Popping Antibiotics Like Antacids
Members Public

Omega-3, PUFA, ALA, EPA, DHA...What is Going On?

The lowdown on Omega-3, n3-PUFAs, ALA, EPA, DHA and supplementation

Omega-3, PUFA, ALA, EPA, DHA...What is Going On?
Members Public

Why Every Low Vitamin B12 Level Does not Need Fixing

We need to start comparing apples to apples when it comes to interpreting vitamin B12 levels

Why Every Low Vitamin B12 Level Does not Need Fixing
Members Public

Physical Activity - Forming a Protective Troika along with Vaccines and Masks Against Covid-19?

Physical activity, vaccines and masks are the protective troika againts Covid-19

Physical Activity - Forming a Protective Troika along with Vaccines and Masks Against Covid-19?
Members Public

50-Plus and Vaccines

Immunization schedule for those over 50-years of age in India

50-Plus and Vaccines