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Physical Activity

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Prolonged Sedentary Behavior is Harmful Even if You are Physically Active

Physical activity is the cornerstone of our atmasvasth quest to live long healthy. It is also important along with being physically active, to consciously reduce time spent being sedentary.

Prolonged Sedentary Behavior is Harmful Even if You are Physically Active
Members Public

Physical Activity Update - II (What, When, How Much)

Updated data on the impact of strength training and the step count needed and the "weekend warrior" phenomenon

Physical Activity Update - II (What, When, How Much)
Members Public

Physical Activity Update - I (Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Cancers, Falls, Sleep, Dementia)

Updated data on the impact of physical activity on blood pressure, diabetes, sleep, cancers, falls and dementia

Physical Activity Update - I (Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Cancers, Falls, Sleep, Dementia)
Members Public

Climbing Stairs

Take the stairs instead of the lift

Climbing Stairs
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The Crossroads of Physical Activity, Sleep and Cognitive Decline

Physical activity and sleep are both important when it comes to reducing the rate of cognitive decline

The Crossroads of Physical Activity, Sleep and Cognitive Decline
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Delinking Fitness and Health from BMI, Weight and Obesity Labels

BMI is a flawed method for measuring obesity, but the obesity label itself is problem since fit but so-called overweight people live longer, healthier lives than unfit but so-called normal weight people

Delinking Fitness and Health from BMI, Weight and Obesity Labels
Members Public

The Magic of a 30-45 Minutes Walk Every Day

The sweet spot of 4000 purposeful steps per day (not just the total steps) improves longevity, reduces cardiovascular risk and reduces the risk of dementia

The Magic of a 30-45 Minutes Walk Every Day
Members Public

Running Safely on Indian Roads - Run Facing the Traffic

Running on Indian roads is fraught with challenges and needs a heightened sense of awareness

Running Safely on Indian Roads - Run Facing the Traffic
Members Public

Every Move Counts

Every move and step counts. Accelerometers and activity trackers have made it easier to understand the impact of physical activity on healthspan and lifespan

Every Move Counts
Members Public

It is Better to Be Fit and Overweight than Normal Weight / Lean and Unfit

Those who are overweight-fit and obese-fit live longer than normal-BMI-unfit.

It is Better to Be Fit and Overweight than Normal Weight / Lean and Unfit