The Older You Are and the More Physically Active You Are, the Longer You Will Live Disease-Free
Physical activity at any age improves healthspan and lifespan

4000 Steps Twice a Week Help Not Forgetting Names at Weddings and Parties
4000 Steps Twice a Week Help Not Forgetting Names at Weddings and Parties

The Disconnect Between How Thin or Fit We Look and How Healthy We Actually Are
There is a disconnect between the healthy life extending benefits of physical activity and its use to look good and thin and lose weight

Physical Activity and Poor Sleep and Stroke
Physical activity can offset the downsides of poor sleep while physical inactivity increases the risk of stroke in those below the age of 60-years

Physical Activity - Forming a Protective Troika along with Vaccines and Masks Against Covid-19?
Physical activity, vaccines and masks are the protective troika againts Covid-19

Walking to Improve the Brain's White Matter
Walking (physical activity) improves white matter function and prevents structural deterioration

Runnnn...Not Race!
You don't need to run marathons to run for health

Physical Activity and Blood Pressure
Physical activity helps with blood pressure control

Walking...(All It Takes is Just 4000 Steps a Day)
Walking 4000 steps a day reduces the mortality by half as compared to 2000 steps a day

The benefits of physical activity go beyond just weight control and looking good