How Long and Healthy Will We Live?
There is a limit to longevity. We also need to limit disease within our lifespan. Physical activity is perhaps the single most important factor to help us do that. Five new 2024 papers discussed.

Thriving After 55: Staying Healthy and Preventing Major Health Risks - Based on the GBD 2021 Data
The GBD data tells us what diseases kill Indians over 55, what are the risk factors that cause those diseases. You have it in your hands to change that risk.

Longevity is Inevitable: Extended Healthspan is Not and Requires Effort
While longevity to 90 years is a given, it takes effort to live healthy for all those years

Five Points that Increase Life Expectancy without Dementia After the Age of 65
Five Points that Increase Life Expectancy without Dementia After the Age of 65

Healthspan over Lifespan
A long healthspan is as important as a long lifespan, perhaps more