The Top Ten Sensible Eating Guidance to Live Long, Healthy
The Top Ten Sensible Eating Guidance to Live Long, Healthy

A Few Peanuts a Day Keep Brain Strokes Away
A few peanuts a day reduce the risk of ischemic strokes and reduce cardiovascular risk

A Teaspoon of Salt...Or Two
1-2 teaspoons a day of salt is the key to moderation and living long, healthy

Polyphenols, Cardiovascular Risk and Cognitive Decline
Foods rich in polyphenols reduce coronary heart disease risk and cognitive decline and dementia

The Super-Rubbish of Superfoods
Avoid fancy "superfoods" and stick to a balance plant based diet

Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting in all its forms including time-restricted eating (TRE) helps improve healthspan and lifespan

"A Potato Chip a Day..."
Fruits and vegetables reduce while ultra-processed food increase mortality

An "Apple a Day..."
5 portions of fruits and vegetables a day are associated with reduced mortality