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Physical Activity - Forming a Protective Troika along with Vaccines and Masks Against Covid-19?

Physical activity, vaccines and masks are the protective troika againts Covid-19

Bhavin Jankharia
2 min read
Physical Activity - Forming a Protective Troika along with Vaccines and Masks Against Covid-19?
Physical activity, vaccines and masks are the protective troika againts Covid-19

I know I sound like a stuck record, but the good news about physical activity just does not stop.

A recent article by Lee S W et al [1] from South Korea, published in the British J of Sports Medicine that examined a large South Korean cohort shows that physical activity reduces the incidence of Covid-19 infection, reduces severity, if infected and reduces the incidence of death, especially in the elderly.

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Those who managed 150-300 minutes of moderate activity or 500-1000 METs (a one hour run would be around 600 METs) per week did the best.


The study also implies that the older you are, the more you should try to get to this level of physical activity, whether it is by running or walking or yoga or strength training or swimming or playing tennis or badminton or any other similar sport. This is particularly important given that in Mumbai, the 60-69 years age-group has had the worst mortality in both Covid-19 waves.

The irony is that lockdowns, which are arguably effective in the short term against the public spread of Covid-19, also lead to the closure of gardens and gyms, which then makes it difficult to engage in physical activity. In such a situation, we just need to figure out ways and means of managing, depending on the type of lockdown (full, partial, etc) and/or by working out at home.

We already know the protective power of Covid-19 vaccines and masks. Physical activity is likely the third leg of this protective troika.

What is your matka here? Even if you are vaccinated and wear masks, it is important to be physically active. Apart from all the other advantages that physical activity has, it also makes a difference when it comes to Covid-19. Whoever you are, wherever you live, whatever you do, you need to figure out a way of moving and engaging for at least 150 minutes per week, if not more, in some form of moderate physical activity.


1. Lee SW et al. Br J Sports Med 2021;0:1-13.

Physical ActivityTherapeuticsMovingVaccinesCovid


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