Our health is a sum total of multiple factors, all interdependent, some what we have control over, and many that we don't
“I” is a ripple in a network of networks. Carlo Rovelli
We often talk of our health as an independent entity that we can control, hoping that if we eat sensibly, be physically active, sleep well, etc., we will live long, healthy…and this is our atmasvasth quest.
But every now and then, it is a good idea to take stock and understand the wider influences that affect our health, some of which, we have control over and some that are completely out of our control.
Everything in this world exists only in relation to everything else. Jainism, Nagarjuna and quantum physics all say the same thing…everyone and everything is interdependent and we exist only because of our interdependence, as part of many many networks. And so it is with our health.