Not Forgetting Names at Weddings and Parties
Reducing rate of cognition loss needs a combination of physical activity, sensible eating and good sleep

It happens quite often these days at weddings or parties. You run into someone you know, but their names just elude you. I know who they are, their names are at the tip of my tongue…but I can’t remember them. Typically, I introduce my wife to them, hoping they will introduce themselves to her. If they don’t, I just tell her, “you know who they are”. If she is in a bad mood, she says “no” and leaves me hanging dry. The first time it happened, I didn’t know where to look. Now, I just smile, give a knowing look, especially, if they are the same age as me or older and say, “I am so sorry, but my gray matter is becoming as white as my hair”, and I am able to exit the situation gracefully, most of the times.
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As long as our so-called “nominal aphasia” is restricted to “forgetting” names under pressure, when we meet a lot of people or in unexpected circumstances, that is fine. Anything more than that implies cognitive decline, which over the years can lead to dementia.
One major component of being atmasvasth is preventing or slowing this cognitive decline.
Over the last year, we have looked at how a strong mind-body connect helps, how flavonoid containing foods reduce the rate of cognitive decline, how walking improves white matter plasticity and how statins don’t really accelerate dementia. Good sleep is important, too, along with good cardiovascular health.
A recent study by Samantha Gardener and her colleagues [1] from Australia looked at the relationship between coffee consumption and cognitive decline and found that habitual coffee drinkers had a lower rate of cognitive decline, which could be due to a slower rate of cerebral Aß amyloid protein accumulation. When I wrote about the health benefits of coffee, I mentioned at the time that coffee also contains polyphenols and lignans, which may be the reason for the protective effect on cognitive decline.
However, reducing cognitive decline needs a multi-pronged approach that involves food, sleep and physical activity [2].
Physical activity has probably the most robust evidence for reducing the rate of cognitive loss. Multiple randomized controlled trials and observational studies have shown that aerobic exercise in particular, reduces the rate of cognitive decline across all ages, and particularly in the elderly [3,4]. This brings us back to the “magic pill” concept of physical activity. Whatever else we do in life, the more active we are and the more leisure time exercise we indulge in, in any form, the healthier we are…in mind and body.
In the same manner, what we put into our bodies also matters. A plant-based diet [5] with plenty of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and the use of sunflower or olive oil, with as few ultra-processed food items as possible, goes a long way in not just improving our overall cardiovascular health, as I wrote about last week, but also slows the rate of cognitive decline. Apart from what we eat, individual substances and supplements have also been purported to help, such as coffee, as I mentioned at the beginning of the article. Omega 3 and other supplements are also known to help, but as I mentioned some time back, it is best to be wary of so-called superfoods, until we know better. Omega 3 however is essential for many body functions and I will discuss its role in the near future.
The last leg of the tripod is sleep. Poor sleep is associated with increased cognitive decline…good sleep maintains cognition and reduces the rate of decline.

So effectively, apart from doing everything possible to reduce the chance of a stroke (multiple strokes also can lead to dementia), the three major factors reduce the rate of cognitive decline and help us not forget names and events are physical activity, good sleep and sensible, healthy eating.
It is really as simple as that.
1. Gardener SL et al. Higher Coffee Consumption Is Associated With Slower Cognitive Decline and Less Cerebral Aβ-Amyloid Accumulation Over 126 Months: Data From the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers, and Lifestyle Study. Front. Aging Neurosci., 19 November 2021 |
2. Zhao C et al. Dietary Patterns, Physical Activity, Sleep, and Risk for Dementia and Cognitive Decline. Curr Nutr Rep. 2018 Dec;7(4):335-345.
3. Blumenthal JA et al. Lifestyle and neurocognition in older adults with cognitive impairments: A randomized trial. Neurology. 2019 Jan 15;92(3):e212-e223.
4. Stern Y et al. Effect of aerobic exercise on cognition in younger adults: A randomized clinical trial. Neurology. 2019 Feb 26;92(9):e905-e916.
5. Mazza E et al. Mediterranean Diet In Healthy Aging. J Nutr Health Aging. 2021;25(9):1076-1083.
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