Physical Activity - Forming a Protective Troika along with Vaccines and Masks Against Covid-19?
Physical activity, vaccines and masks are the protective troika againts Covid-19
The Hype and Promise of the Polygenic Risk Score (PRS)
The polygenic risk score may help with personalized prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases
Walking to Improve the Brain's White Matter
Walking (physical activity) improves white matter function and prevents structural deterioration
Runnnn...Not Race!
You don't need to run marathons to run for health
The Extra "Indian" Cardiovascular Risk
South Asians and Indians have an added risk of cardiovascular disease and death over traditional risk factors
Healthspan over Lifespan
A long healthspan is as important as a long lifespan, perhaps more
Bad Gums and High Blood Pressure
Bad gums (periodontitis) increase the risk of high blood pressure
50-Plus and Vaccines
Immunization schedule for those over 50-years of age in India
Cardiovascular Risk Assessment at Regular Intervals
Cardiovascular risk assessment at regular intervals makes a difference
Fate, Fatalism...and Stupidity
Shit happens